About Us

Thank you for stopping by! We are a family own company that has been in the carpet cleaning business since 2019. We are located in Eastern Iowa and all of our current and future products are made right here in the good ol' Midwest. We strive to bring the best products to market to share with you all. We appreciate your business and look forward to bringing more products to you in the future. 

Our Products:

The pet urine and odor remover was formulated back in 2019 with a main use being to remove urine odors from customers carpets and upholstery. We had tried a few of the box store shelf products and  and they were not getting the results we wanted.  With lots of research we found a combination that works well, is commercial grade, and we have been using it in homes for the past 6 years. We are confident enough with this formula we decided to bottle it up and share with you!! 

Other uses: though this product for the purpose of removing urine, it can also be used for cleaning up blood, vomit, feces, and other organic matter.